Monday, July 16, 2012

Why u want to wear Virgin Indian Hair

Why Indian hair instead of Chinese hair?

Indian hair is the most sought after hair globally because the women who tonsure their hair have never chemically altered it, so it is of much higher quality. Chinese hair is typically very coarse and wiry. In order to make it more appealing, Chinese hair is treated in an acid bath which removes the cuticle. It is further processed with silicone to give it an artificial shine.

Why Indian hair instead of European hair?
Indian hair is offered willingly at temples and the proceeds of its sale are used to support the community surrounding the temple. European hair is often high quality but the manner in which it is collected is offensive to many extension wearers. Often European hair originates on the black market where it is forcibly taken from unsuspecting women. (which means they steal it)
Why Indian hair instead of Malaysian hair?
There IS NO SUCH THING as Malaysian hair. Hair that some companies market as Malaysian hair is in fact Chinese hair that has been processed to appear to have more body. Any company offeringVirgin Malaysian Hair is being dishonest - after processing the Chinese hair it is no longer virgin hair!!! Ladies I do MY research I love being able to wear GOOD HAIR and my clients wear GOOD HAIR Dont be fooled by imitators!!!


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